First, call up the website in your Internet browser and click on "Login.".Hotmail Sign up also works with a Hotmail address as well as with these mails: and Now we will see how the Hotmail login works? You don't need an Outlook email address to sign up for. Now just click the blue button that says "Create Account," and you're done! After the process is finished, you are already in your new inbox, from where you can manage your emails, contacts, data, and appointments. Microsoft wants to ensure that a real person creates an account. Enter the characters you see in the image below in the registration form.Provide an alternate email address if you have one.Choose your date of birth from the drop-down menu.Select your country or region from the drop-down menu.Create a strong password having at least eight characters.From the drop-down list on the right, choose whether you want to create your new Microsoft account at or.

Enter your first and last name in the first two text boxes above. Now fill out the registration form that you see on the left side of your screen.However, below are the steps required to easily create a new account and perform hassle-free Hotmail sign up.